PIB: The Future of Buoy Protection


Imagine dropping a buoy into the ocean, knowing it won't need a touch-up for decades. That's the promise of SabetoPROTECT, a UV resistant, anti-biofouling solution that's rewriting the rulebook on marine durability—and it all started with a WWII U-boat. When Nazi submarine U-486 was raised from the sea, it still bore an intact layer of Polyisobutylene (PIB), a synthetic rubber that had resisted water, salt, and time for over 60 years​ [1].

The PIB Difference: No Hitchhiking Allowed

PIB isn't just durable; it's a game-changer in biofouling prevention. Unlike traditional coatings that rely on toxic chemicals, PIB's molecular structure naturally deters barnacles, algae, and other biofouling organisms, giving them no footing. When combined with our PIB paint, this keeps surfaces clean, reduces drag, and cuts fuel consumption—all without harming marine ecosystems​.

Eco-Friendly and Built to Last

SabetoPROTECT aligns with the IMO's goals to slash carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 [2]. A PIB-protected buoy doesn't require rutine sandblasting or regular maintenance, saving up to 450 kg of CO₂ emissions per reuse. Tested to endure 24 +  years of UV exposure, ice-impacts, and saltwater, SabetoPROTECT has a  lifespan of up to 60 years, giving it a clear edge over typical coatings that wear down after just a few seasons​ and are highly toxic to marine life.

A Better Way Forward

SabetoPROTECT isn't just a anti-fouling solution; it's a commitment to sustainable marine operations. From resisting the elements to reducing fuel use and C02 emissions, SabetoPROTECT is setting a new standard—protecting equipment, saving costs, and building toward a greener future.